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Dear my beloved brothers and sisters in Samil Church,Samil church is a church owned by Heavenly Father, driven by Holy Spirit headed by Jesus.

All members of the church is being joined together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord, where God of three in one dwells.

Wish the openinng of the webpage lead to the opening of love, encouragement, edification, empathy and comfort.God granted communion of each member in christ in the Holy community, leaving not single one alone.
Wish this webpage be an instrument for awakening of His purpose, will and providence.
Wish joy of communication among all the members can be flourish.
Wish this wepgae help us not to be comfored to the world, but to be enriched with vision of God to have the life of pilgrimage serving the world.

And I pray, all of us in Samil church have grace of standing firm as disciples of mission, and community of mission to be his holy instrument.

Opening a new wepage in 2020, Pastor Song.
