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크게 작게 위로 아래로 댓글로 가기 인쇄

August 19, 2020


Transfer to Online Service and Church Visit Limitation Policy


As announced previously, there were visits of COVID-19 contracted persons on August 9, 2020. However, they were not complicated cases but proved to be limited as to the venues of their traces via professional tracking devices. With the scrutinized compliance of Samil Church Prevention Measures and the Church Members/Visitors, the probability of spread of the disease was none as confirmed and approved by the authority. Still, Samil Church transferred the service system to online, making sure of any other paths of infection and originally planned to resume offline service as of August 23, 2020.

Unfortunately, however, the number of contracted persons has perked up to three digits and not shown of its reduction, the Disease Control Headquarters announced “The Second Stage Social Distancing” in order to prevent and control any further spread of COVid-19. As a result, Samil Church will extend the period of the online service system and delay the commencement date of offline service. All the services will be performed according to the set time as before, and all the buildings of Samil Church will be controlled and limited within the persons on call and on duty only.

The date of offline service in the future will be notified later according to any improvement of COVID-19 infection status and the governmental policies.

[Notes in case of Offline Service]

The Disease Control Headquarters gave suggestions on Samil Church personnel to notify the church members after the Investigation Team for Contraction Tracing at Samil Church recently.

These suggestions will be applied when the offline service resumes in the future.

1.     Adjustment of Distancing (Limit of the Number of Attendees)

The distance between persons is to be 1 meter at least that the designation of seats will be adjusted accordingly. Therefore, the number of service attendees will be limited further.

The service time will be designated and notified to each camp that church members are strongly recommended to comply with the appointed time in order to avoid any further confusion. 

2.     Keep Wearing Face Masks During Service

The CCTV check by the Contraction Tracing Team has illustrated that most church members have kept their face masks during the service; however, some people have not respected the practice, wearing or lowering the masks to their chins. Though it is inconvenient, please wear your face masks properly to cover your nose during the service.

3.     No Food Allowed inside the Church Buildings

No food is allowed inside the church buildings including any types of beverages, (birthday) cake, or snacks. Individual water bottles are permitted however.

4.     Visitor Roster Record

When other church members or Samil Church members without their registration visit Samil Church, their ID cards are to be checked for screen and record. If they refuse to show their ID cards, entrance to the church buildings may not be permitted.


1.     If any of you have visited Gwangwhamoon and participated in the rally on August 15, 2020, please get testing at the designated clinic for COVID-19 testing.

2. Please follow the directions of the ushers on the first floor of the church buildings in order to observe the Disease Prevention Policy. The entrance sections are to be respected especially, and everyone including the pastors, directors, and personnel of Samil Church is to be checked at the same spot for their temperature check as designated. 

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